Welcome To Kern Legal, Inc.
You are in right place to solve your financial and commerical issues with the assistance of our experienced lawyers today.

About Us:
Kuyucu Hukuk Burosu established in 1994 at Gaziantep, Turkey by Gurbuz Kuyucu as a Commercial & Financial Law Firm and continues its services as Kern Legal, Inc. since the year 2021.
Financial & Commercial Law constitutes one of Kern Legal, Inc.’s main practice areas as the vast majority of Kern Legal, Inc. clients are commercial companies. An effective and enforceable set of agreements with both your local & global business partners and your clients is at the heart of business success for any entrepreneur. We render a wide spectrum of legal assistance to our clients from daily matters to complex issues regarding Financial & Commercial Law. Every time a case is tried in court, the judge will make a determination about what the laws mean. These decisions set a precedent for future cases. Over time, these precedents form the flexible walls of the arena within which construction disputes are litigated.
Commercial law is not a simple topic, and it should be approached with caution. While most of these topics are best navigated with the representation of an experienced lawyer, businesses often have to weigh the pros and cons of pursuing a dispute on their own, or even whether the dispute merits the cost of consulting a lawyer.
If you are concerned about a potential dispute or what rights you have under the law, Kern Legal, Inc. is an excellent place to start.