KYC (Know-Your-Customer) is the practice of collecting data about your customer to help with identifying and verifying their identity.

This information conventionally incorporates client’s complete name, email address, telephone number and may likewise contain contact address and other required details.

Kern Legal, Inc. needs KYC as it assists with comprehension and lets you introduce to your clients better. The following are a portion of the points of interest and significance of KYC:

  • To build up the identity of the client.
  • To comprehend the idea of the client’s online activities
  • To survey illegal tax avoidance (money laundering) risks related to that client for motive behind observing the client’s activities.

At Kern Legal, Inc. , we only request from clients to provide sufficient KYC data to onboarding. Our framework makes it simple for traders to conform to this necessity, while sending/uploading the mandatory documents of the Backoffice.

Why is KYC practice important?

As a major aspect of the business authentication, every client is required to display right and adequate information. These archives incorporate methods for identity, service bill, and business consolidation certificate.

Likewise, KYC safeguards that Kern Legal, Inc. can meet the Anti-Money Laundering and other worldwide monetary prescribed procedures. It is important to note that all data imparted to Kern Legal, Inc. as a major aspect of KYC necessities is constantly kept protected as per our privacy policy by our and being utilized for documentation purposes just and is ensured under GDPR rules and regulations.

Anti – Money Laundering Policy

As we have a worldwide presence, Kern Legal, Inc. is completely dedicated to leading due perseverance on our customers and ensuring that every applicable law and guidelines are important to thwart and forestall money laundering. These incorporate affirming the identity of our clients by methods for:

  • Government sanctioned picture ID
  • Valid proof of residential or business address
  • Corporate documentation
  • Business enrollment data & information

Some other applicable documentation:

Besides, we reserve the authority needed to direct upgraded due constancy on all customers given world – wide endorsed risk-based arrangements and as ordered by Sections 3 (6) and (7) of the Anti-Money Laundering Act 2011. Kern Legal, Inc. likewise have all authority to reject a transaction or deny procedure on a customer’s transaction at any time should doubt emerge that it might be associated with money laundering, whenever doubt emerges that it might be associated with tax evasion, crime or some other predicate offense to money laundering . Kern Legal, Inc. won’t go into any business course of action with anybody or gathering associated with or straightforwardly engaged with tax evasion, or where assets have been sources or finishes of an illegal activity.

If Kern Legal, Inc. receives, during its request for documentation, misleading documentation, contact details, business depiction or other false data, Kern, Legal Inc. will terminate the offending transaction. Kern Legal, Inc. will undoubtedly report such wrongdoings to the relevant authorities, for example, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and the Special Fraud Unit (SFU), and as such the subject, business and its proprietors might be the subject of a criminal investigation.

Likewise, if Kern Legal, Inc. watches, in regard to any record, the event of specific triggers or warnings (Indicators) which are demonstrative of propagation of extortion, false or tax evasion exercises, Kern Legal, Inc. will put a line on such a record and the assets in that contained. Kern Legal, Inc. is legitimately bound under Section 6 of the Anti-Money Laundering Act 2011, to report the same to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU).

Kern Legal, Inc. have the rights for;

Retain suspected fraudulent or money laundering funds in presumed transactions
Request for full-scale criminological investigations in regard of said transactions
After confirmation of the status of the transaction, deduct the expenses of Kern Legal, Inc.’s verification and coincidental costs from the withheld funds in the account.