Project No: 56 Investment Trading Program & Legal Consulting




Product Code: TRKFB8180IPC-056

Definition: Finance Trading Program (FTP)
Stock Share Value: USD 1,000,000.00
Working Hours: 120 hours
Delivery Time: 7 to 10 working days
Return Investment: 4,5 % of Face value
Legal Consulting Fee: USD 27,000.00

Closing Procedure & Buying Group Program:

  • Clients apply and fill the Finance Application Form from
    Forms – Kuyucu Hukuk Burosu
  • After accepting the Finance Application Form, a client provide the supporting
    documents for review
  • We review the submitted documents. This review is typically completed 3 to 5 days.
  • The documentation you provide is very important.
  • Kern Legal facility. A strong business case with solid documentation makes the
    process as simple as possible.
  • We e-mail you to ensure to ensure our understanding is correct. You confirm and we
    present you the programme option for you to consider.
  • We then check to ensure the set of documentation is complete and submit your application to Trade Desk And Treasury once approved, you will be asked to sign the agreement.
  • After contract signed , within 48 hrs you will be ready for trading.
  • Then you will apply and fill the application form from Payment Platform – Kuyucu Hukuk Burosu to get the Escrow Bank Accounts details and Invoice to make your payment.



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