Project No: 61 Protected Ping Program & Legal Consulting




Product Code: TR/USC-8111/PPP-061

Definition: Protected Ping Program (PPP)
Program Entry Value: USD 3,000,000.00
Working Hours: 120 hours
Legal Consulting Fee: USD 8,000.00

Term: 11 Months
Pay Period: 1st Pay in 20 international banking days following start of contract subsequent payments are every 30 days
Investment: Total funds the Investor provides for the contract
1st Pay 20 Day: 1,0 % of FINANCIAL GUARANTEE paid in 20 international banking days following start of the transaction
Guarantee: Value of Financial Guarantee
Gross Profit: 9 % of Financial Guarantee
Fees: 10 % of Gross Profit
Net / Mo: Investor net profit per month
(Gross profit minus fees)
Total Adj Net Profit: Total of net monthly profits less Fees
Investment Recovery: Amount of Initial investment retained by the platform
Net to Investor: Total amount paid to the Investor after fess and investment recovery


  1. The Investor submits his current CIS and Proof of Funds.
  2. A ‘Soft Offer’ will be drafted for the Investor’s review. Upon acceptance of the offer, a formal contract will be provided for signatures.
  3. The agreed Investor’s funds will be transferred into an attorney escrow account at HSBC London. The Investor will enter into an escrow agreement with the attorney. (We will prepare it first to cover the terms we agree to with the Investor.)
  4. The escrow will state that upon receipt of the Bank Financial Letter of Guarantee of payment, the Investor’s funds will be released to be utilized on the investment side.
  5. This Bank Financial Letter of Guarantee of payment will be for an amount that is a multiple of the invested funds. This will cover the initial investment plus all trading profits. The Bank Financial Guarantee will be sent via SWIFT MT760 to the banking coordinates provided by the Investor.
  6. This Bank Financial Letter of Guarantee of payment will be for one year. During that time, payments will be made monthly to the Investor as follows:

• An initial payment within 20 banking days of receipt and the release of the Investor’s funds.

• Every 30 calendar days after the initial payment, payment will be made for 11 months. The Term is one year.

• If there is any default of payments during this term of the Financial Agreement, the Investor may call the Bank Financial Letter of Guarantee Instrument for the full-face amount.

• The issuing bank on the Financial Guarantee is CIBC, Canada


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