Project No: 41 – Support Our Environmental Projects




Project No : 41 Support Environmental Projects
Product Code : TRKFB21WMTN-041


Kern Legal, Inc. is committed to effective environmental conservation and community stewardship through strong partnerships. With our partners, we are preserving open land and healthy forests, ensuring clean water, advancing marine area and species protections, and fostering future generations of conservation and community stewards.

Healthy Oceans



Formal protections cover just five percent of oceans, lagging well behind similar protections for land, leaving marine areas vulnerable to rampant development, overfishing, pollution, and climate change. Kern Legal, Inc. partners with organizations mitigating these threats by advancing conservation outcomes for species, habitats, and communities, including protected and sustainable marine zoning and policy, augmented fishing protections, and effective enforcement.

Protecting scenic, historic and natural landscapes to help wildlife and surrounding communities



In this world automation and technology are essential elements to protect scarce resources and minimize environmental damage.

Technology is used extensively to replace the need for travel, in turn driving rapid innovation in communications technology.

But technology is a double-edged sword: it allows organizations to meet their ethical and environmental agenda, but at what cost to humans?

Faced with population growth, development pressure, energy infrastructure, extreme weather, and a changing climate, Kern Legal, Inc. is committed to strategic partnerships that conserve open spaces and advance forest health to safeguard our natural environment and to ensure diverse species and abundant ecosystems for future generations.


Preventing Deforestation

Though often described as a green or renewable fuel and a viable alternative to coal, the science has proven otherwise: wood pellet combustion is an overall net negative for the environment. From across the whole world, the largely unregulated biomass industry clearcuts wetlands and forests, leading to harmful air and water pollutants in many vulnerable communities. Kern Legal, Inc. works with organizations to safeguard the southern forests and communities from the biomass industry.


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